The vineyard from which Castlevale wine is made lies in the small Chiles Valley located directly east of St. Helena, Napa Valley, over the mountains. The vineyard is affectionately known as High Valley Vineyards after the public school house that used to occupy the land.
It is a Region 2 viticultural growing area, with midday temperatures paralleling Calistoga until the breezes from the San Pablo Bay arise in the afternoon and cool everything down. Annually Chiles Valley is dryer, hotter and cooler than Napa Valley although it is part of the same appellation. In other words,we have slightly more extreme weather patterns. The grapes are about the last to ripen in the appellation.
This, plus its deep, well-drained Pleasanton loam soil create a perfect home for Castlevale vineyards.
Most of the grapes are sold back to Louis M. Martini Winery, with just a small selection going to winemaker, Angelina Mondavi to be magically turned into Castlevale “Defender.”